### Notes System Strings ###

### M01 Notes ###

# A Medical Chart of Some Patient #
[IDS_NOTES_Medical_Chart_Marie_3]<COLOR,195,188,228>(x)DESCRIPTION OF INCIDENT\nPatient was admitted to the ER at 7:37 a.m.  She was bleeding from the left arm and had sustained blunt force trauma to her face and neck.  Patient had come in complaining only of a headache and did not appear to notice the extent of the injuries she had sustained.  Patient was alert at all times and never discussed the reason for her injuries.<CLEARCOLOR>
[IDS_NOTES_Medical_Chart_Marie_4]<COLOR,195,188,228>Before any of the staff was able to assist in treating her, patient discharged herself from ER without notifying the attending doctor or nurse.  No emergency contact information was available.  All records released to Sheriff's department for further investigation.\n(X) RECORDS RELEASE ___ Sheriff James O'Shea<CLEARCOLOR>
[IDS_NOTES_Medical_Chart_Marie_5]<COLOR,195,188,228>The above information is correct and factual,\nEmergency Room Supervisor\nMichael Clements\n(PLEASE FAX TO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SAFETY)<CLEARCOLOR>

### M02 Notes ###

# Anniversary Celebration Flyer #
[IDS_NOTES_Anniversary_Celebration_Flyer_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>シェパーズグレン150周年記念\n9月20日と21日の土曜日と日曜日の2日間\n晴雨を問わず決行\nイベントは土曜の10時\nメインストリートのパレードで幕開けです。\n食事、ゲーム、乗馬、小型プールには バートレット市長も登場!\n最後のコスチュームコンテストでは授賞式があります!\n『アイオブザストーム』による生演奏に余興もあり!\n参加は自由。お子さんを連れてぜひ!<CLEARCOLOR>

# Town History Book - The Public Face of Shepherd's Glen #

### M03 Notes ###

# Needlepoint Prayer in Parent's Bedroom #
[IDS_NOTES_Needlepoint_Prayer_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>神よ お与えください\n信仰とは主の裁きを信じる事\n知恵とは主のあらゆる行い\nそして強さとは 主の導きを欲する心<CLEARCOLOR>

### M04 Notes ###

# Bartlett Mausoleum Inscription #
[IDS_NOTES_Bartlett_Mausoleum_Inscription_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>And until we meet again,\nMay God hold you in the hollow of his hand.<CLEARCOLOR>

# Holloway Mausoleum Clue #
[IDS_NOTES_Holloway_Mausoleum_Clue_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>The epitaph over the Holloway Mausoleum reads:\n     Remember, soul, as you pass by\n     As you are now so once was I.\n     As I am now, you soon will be.\n     Prepare yourself to follow me.<CLEARCOLOR>

### M05 Notes ###

# Note Behind the Concierge Desk #
[IDS_NOTES_Note_Behind_Concierge_Desk_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>To whoever works the late shift,\nPlease deliver six bottles from my vineyard to the atrium before midnight.\nThere will be someone working late at the gift shop to give you the wine.\nKnock loudly. If I don't get my wine, don't bother coming to work tomorrow.\nMayor Bartlett<CLEARCOLOR>

### M06 Notes ###

# Newspaper Article on 150 Year Celebration #
[IDS_NOTES_Newspaper_Article_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>Shepherd's Glen celebrates 150 years, By Scott Milner\nThe town of Shepherd's Glen will be alive with activities this weekend as it celebrates 150 years since its founding.\nThe celebrations begin Saturday morning with a parade down Main Street. In years past, many of the attendees have worn old-fashioned dress in keeping with the occasion.<CLEARCOLOR>
[IDS_NOTES_Newspaper_Article_2]<COLOR,195,188,228>The parade will feature members of the town's original founding families, with Mayor Sam Bartlett serving as Grand Marshall.\nShepherd's Glen was founded on the shores of Toluca Lake by five founding families. Their original homes are still standing today.\nOver its history, Shepherd's Glen has enjoyed overwhelming success and prosperity. It is listed as one of the top ten small towns in New England to live.<CLEARCOLOR>

# Clue to Nora Holloway's Tormented Childhood - Entry in Nora's Diary #
[IDS_NOTES_Clue_to_Noras_Tormented_Childhood_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>Tuesday, January 5th\nI made first chair flute today. I was so excited. When I got home I told Mom and Dad right away.\nBut they didn't care. Dad went back into the garage to do whatever and Mom told me she expected nothing less.<CLEARCOLOR>
[IDS_NOTES_Clue_to_Noras_Tormented_Childhood_2]<COLOR,195,188,228>Like she could beat Casey for first chair that easily. It doesn't matter. It's never good enough.\nI wish I could be like Elle -- able to do whatever I want and get away with it. And Mom admires her for it. It's not fair.<CLEARCOLOR>

# Birth Certificate Elizabeth Holloway #
[IDS_NOTES_Birth_Cirtificate_Elizabeth_Holloway_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH\nCOUNTY OF TOLUCA, TO WIT:\nI, John Crowley, Clerk of the County Court in and for said County, do hereby certify that the Birth Record discloses the fact that Laura Elizabeth Holloway, son / daughter of Harrison Holloway and Margaret Holloway, was born in said County on the 2nd day of April, 198-.  <CLEARCOLOR>
[IDS_NOTES_Birth_Cirtificate_Elizabeth_Holloway_2]<COLOR,195,188,228>Given under my hand and official seal, this the 25th day of July, 198-.\nRecorded in Birth Register (signed) John Crowley  Clerk, County Court\nNo. 2307, Page "S" Toluca County <CLEARCOLOR>

# Birth Certificate Rebecca Shepherd #
[IDS_NOTES_Birth_Cirtificate_Rebecca_Shepherd_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH\nCOUNTY OF TOLUCA, TO WIT:\nI, Shelly Naseman, Clerk of the County Court in and for said County, do hereby certify that the Birth Record discloses the fact that Rebecca Anne Shepherd, son / daughter of David Shepherd and Martha Shepherd, was born in said County on the 21st day of November, 195-.  <CLEARCOLOR>
[IDS_NOTES_Birth_Cirtificate_Rebecca_Shepherd_2]<COLOR,195,188,228>Given under my hand and official seal, this the 15th day of December, 195-.\nRecorded in Birth Register (signed) Shelly Naseman  Clerk, County Court\nNo. 1904, Page "F" Toluca County <CLEARCOLOR>

# Death Certificate Rebecca Shepherd #
[IDS_NOTES_Death_Cirtificate_Rebecca_Shepherd_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>OFFICIAL CERTIFICATE OF DEATH\nFULL NAME Rebecca Anne Shepherd\nRESIDENCE Shepherd's Glen\nPERSONAL INFORMATION\nSex Female\nMarital Status Single\nDate of Birth November 21, 195-<CLEARCOLOR>
[IDS_NOTES_Death_Cirtificate_Rebecca_Shepherd_2]<COLOR,195,188,228>Age 1 yrs. 10 mos. 3 ds.\nName of Father David Shepherd\nName of Mother Martha Shepherd\nMEDICAL AFFIDAVIT OF DEATH\nDate of Death September 24, 195-\nCause of death was as follows: (obscured)\n(signed) Dr. Frederick Bartlett\nRegistered No. 1486<CLEARCOLOR>

### M07 Notes ###

# Scarlet's Letter to Her Imaginary Friend #
[IDS_NOTES_Scarlets_Letter_to_Imaginary_Friend_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>Ruth,\nMy daddy just bought me this pencil! It's really cool, it has four colors. Look at what I made for you.\nYou are my best friend. I like the way you make me laugh when my daddy is sad. It was funny at dinner when he was very quiet and you made those funny faces and...<CLEARCOLOR>
[IDS_NOTES_Scarlets_Letter_to_Imaginary_Friend_2]<COLOR,195,188,228>I was laughing for a long time even after I went to bed. I wish you stayed at our house all the time because I get lonely now even when daddy is with me. Maybe you can make him laugh soon. Okay?\nNext time you come over, we can draw pictures together with my new pencil. Bye!\n(signed) Scarlet<CLEARCOLOR>

### M08 Notes ###

# Original Cult Manifesto #
[IDS_NOTES_Original_Cult_Manifesto_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>Be it resolved, by the will of the undersigned, a new day of our faith has risen.\nNo longer content with the view of Paradise held so dearly by those of our faith who came before us, nor those still in worship today, we leave our blessed community of Silent Hill and come to this land as pilgrims, sworn to begin our faith anew.  <CLEARCOLOR>
[IDS_NOTES_Original_Cult_Manifesto_2]<COLOR,195,188,228>Therefore, with the power and blessing of our mighty God, from whom all life and prosperity wells, we do establish this land and consecrate it Shepherd's Glen.\nMay our four families flourish and persevere, through all manner of hardships, with all sacrifice required, under God's consent and protection, for all time.<CLEARCOLOR>
[IDS_NOTES_Original_Cult_Manifesto_3]<COLOR,195,188,228>Signed,\nMason Bartlett\nCornelius Fitch\nEdwin Holloway\nIsaac Shepherd<CLEARCOLOR>

### Book of Ideals Strings ###

# Manifesto of The New Way #
[IDS_NOTES_Manifesto_of_The_New_Way_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>In assurance of a beatified future, the four families and their descendents shall be bound by and shall execute the ideals set forth herein.  In order that we should reap the rewards of this new charter, the following Tenets, which do not deviate from The Way, shall govern all members of the Faith:\nNone shall speak out against The Resurrection.\nNone shall speak of the teachings of the old way.<CLEARCOLOR>

# Importance of The Master of Arms #
[IDS_NOTES_Importance_of_The_Master_of_Arms_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>In the pursuit of creating a more perfect Way, rules must be followed and rules must be enforced. Any member who ignores this command shall be dealt with swiftly and in view of all. This shall ensure continued prosperity.\nIt is, therefore, imperative that the effective Master Of Arms not waive in the responsibility of enacting this power until his last day in this life.\nIn God's name, so shall it be.<CLEARCOLOR>

# Importance of The Performer of Rites #
[IDS_NOTES_Importance_of_The_Performer_of_Rites_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>With the truth of the old believers fractured, it is essential that one person maintain and effectuate the modern sectarian rites we have toiled so faithfully to create and protect.\nAfter taking up the mantle of this post, The Performer Of Rites shall make a pilgrimage to the edge of the forsaken region to purify himself from the sins of the past. There he will beseech the forefathers for forgiveness and understanding.\nIn God's name, so shall it be.<CLEARCOLOR>

# Importance Of The Keeper Of Lore #
[IDS_NOTES_Importance_of_The_Keeper_of_Lore_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>To continue on the path we have laid before us, it is vital that the people remember the road traveled.  We must continually provide, update and nurture accurate records of the past that cannot be challenged by outsiders.\nOnce the lore has been handed over, The Keeper shall confine himself to an uncorrupted sanctuary. There he shall learn the history of The Founders.\nIn God's name, so shall it be.<CLEARCOLOR>

# Importance Of The Executor Of Law #
[IDS_NOTES_Importance_of_The_Executor_of_Law_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>In defense of The Tenets, it is necessary that one person preside over the punishments of any members who have fallen from the Path. These rulings must be based on complete understanding of the laws set forth and must be executed without prejudice.\nThe Executor Of Law must not waive in the responsibility of enacting this power, he must declare his oath, in public forum, to uphold the ideals of The Book.\nIn God's Name, so shall it be.<CLEARCOLOR>

### M09 Notes ###

# Letter written by Adam Shepherd - Inside Desk Drawer #
[IDS_NOTES_Adams_Letter_In_Drawer_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>I have failed. And they know it. They blame me. They should. I swore to protect this town, but I can't.\nThe streets decay before our eyes. The curse we always feared has come upon us. Worse yet,\nThe Order has returned, kidnapping and killing with impunity, brainwashing those they take in an effort to rebuild their flock.<CLEARCOLOR>
[IDS_NOTES_Adams_Letter_In_Drawer_2]<COLOR,195,188,228>Whether they want to punish us for the exodus of our forefathers or to simply breathe new life into the old ways, I don't know.\nBut they've taken our people. The only thing left is to face the source of this evil, to fight it, and pray some hope can be restored.\nMy sole consolation is that I'll die where this all began. In Silent Hill.<CLEARCOLOR>

# Adam Shepherd's Military File #
[IDS_NOTES_Adams_Military_File_3]<COLOR,195,188,228>I hereby certify that the attached document is a true and accurate record to the best of my knowledge.\n(signed) Adam J. Shepherd<CLEARCOLOR>

### M10 Notes ###

### M11 Notes ###

# Note with Code written by Prisoner #
[IDS_NOTES_M11_Prisoner_Note_with_Code_01]<COLOR,195,188,228>If anyone finds this note,\nI can help you access the gateway to your freedom.\nBut to escape your fate,\nYou must first visit solitary confinement.\nPrisoner Number: 110391-<CLEARCOLOR>
[IDS_NOTES_M11_Prisoner_Note_with_Code_02]<COLOR,195,188,228>I can help you access the gateway to your freedom. <CLEARCOLOR>
[IDS_NOTES_M11_Prisoner_Note_with_Code_03]<COLOR,195,188,228>But to escape your fate,<CLEARCOLOR>
[IDS_NOTES_M11_Prisoner_Note_with_Code_04]<COLOR,195,188,228>You must first visit solitary confinement.<CLEARCOLOR>
[IDS_NOTES_M11_Prisoner_Note_with_Code_05]<COLOR,195,188,228>Prisoner Number: 110391-<CLEARCOLOR>

# Piece of Paper with Names of People - Wheeler gives to Alex #
[IDS_NOTES_Paper_with_List_of_Names_1]Wheeler gave me this note. It reads:\nMove the following. They are to be treated with special care.\nMilner\nAckers\nBrody\nMulchrone\nHolloway

# This is a page from a newspaper. Found somewhere in the streets of Silent Hill? Or maybe in the Prison lobby? #
[IDS_NOTES_M11_Silent_Hill_Sentinel_Text_01]<COLOR,195,188,228>For any readers looking to enjoy that good old Shepherd's Glen hospitality, you may want to reconsider your options. I recently stayed at the Shepherd's Inn, located conveniently just outside the downtown area. While our previous overnights at this<CLEARCOLOR>
[IDS_NOTES_M11_Silent_Hill_Sentinel_Text_02]<COLOR,195,188,228>location were memorable, the year since their Sesquicentennial Celebration has not been kind to our neighboring burg. Our accommodations themselves were inhospitable, to put it mildly, and the locals seemed gruff and uninviting.<CLEARCOLOR>
[IDS_NOTES_M11_Silent_Hill_Sentinel_Text_03]<COLOR,195,188,228>Even the Town Hall, once a friendly way for tourists to learn about the area's culture, stood in exceeding disrepair. On day two--<CLEARCOLOR>

### M12 Notes ###

### M13 Notes ###

### M14 Notes ###

# SHV Family Contracts #
[IDS_NOTES_Shepherd_Family_Contract]<COLOR,195,188,228>We, the Family Shepherd, in order to ensure our continued protection and prosperity, do enter into this Holy Contract with our God, accept our duties as Master of Arms and willingly consign our child to the water in God's name.<CLEARCOLOR>
[IDS_NOTES_Fitch_Family_Contract]<COLOR,195,188,228>We, the Family Fitch, in order to ensure our continued protection and prosperity, do enter into this Holy Contract with our God, accept our duties as Performer of Rites and willingly consign our child to the knife in God's name.<CLEARCOLOR>
[IDS_NOTES_Bartlett_Family_Contract]<COLOR,195,188,228>We, the Family Bartlett, in order to ensure our continued protection and prosperity, do enter into this Holy Contract with our God, accept our duties as Executor of Law and willingly consign our child to the earth in God's name.<CLEARCOLOR>
[IDS_NOTES_Holloway_Family_Contract]<COLOR,195,188,228>We, the Family Holloway, in order to ensure our continued protection and prosperity, do enter into this Holy Contract with our God, accept our duties as Keeper of Lore and willingly consign our child to the noose in God's name.<CLEARCOLOR>

# Text from a Book Jacket. Found somewhere in the Cult hideout? Suggests someone in The Order is a bit skeptical #
[IDS_NOTES_M14_Book_Jacket_Text_01]<COLOR,195,188,228>Through the Fog - A Skeptic in Silent Hill\nby: Paul Scheible<CLEARCOLOR>
[IDS_NOTES_M14_Book_Jacket_Text_02]<COLOR,195,188,228>Silent Hill: A town known for its mysterious happenings and now-defunct cult, "The Order," which was recently exposed by Detective Douglas Cartland.<CLEARCOLOR>
[IDS_NOTES_M14_Book_Jacket_Text_03]<COLOR,195,188,228>But, what darkness really lies behind the simple veneer of this sleepy town?<CLEARCOLOR>
[IDS_NOTES_M14_Book_Jacket_Text_04]<COLOR,195,188,228>Paul Scheible's latest book chronicles his research during a two-year stay in the town,\nincluding detailed interviews with long-time residents, cult documents you won't find\nanywhere else, and an appendix of popular local legends.  As expected, life in Silent Hill<CLEARCOLOR>
[IDS_NOTES_M14_Book_Jacket_Text_05]<COLOR,195,188,228>is far more mundane than you may have heard, and the "great evil" The Order sought to find\noriginated from the same abyss whence all religions spring: nowhere darker than the\nfanatical minds of its followers.<CLEARCOLOR>

### Journal Entry Strings - PEOPLE I KNOW ###

# Judge Margaret Holloway #

# Joshua Shepherd #
[IDS_JOURNAL_Joshua_After_Alex_discovers_Joshua_is_missing]母さんはジョシュアが何処にいるのか知らないし\n俺自身 何か胸騒ぎがする\n早くジョシュアの無事を確認しなければ
[IDS_JOURNAL_Joshua_After_seeing_Joshua_run_into_Hotel]I think I saw Joshua running into the hotel.  Was that really him, or am I seeing things?
[IDS_JOURNAL_Joshua_After_Alex_Falls_Through_Floor]Joshua just stood there and did nothing while I fell through the floor.  Maybe it's not him. Josh would never do that to me.
[IDS_JOURNAL_Joshua_After_Alex_sees_Joshua_in_Graveyard]I saw Joshua again in the graveyard.  But he always runs away before I can get to him. What's he so afraid of?
[IDS_JOURNAL_Joshua_After_confronting_Lillian_about_Adam's_letter]The whole town's disappearing and everything leads to Silent Hill. That's where Joshua is. I know it.
[IDS_JOURNAL_Joshua_After_Judge_tells_Alex_about_the_sacrifices]My God.  Nora Holloway, Joey Bartlett, Scarlet Fitch...all murdered by their own parents. But not Joshua, that's what Judge Holloway said. Dad couldn't do it. That means he's alive.

# Lillian Shepherd #
[IDS_JOURNAL_Lillian_After_Lillian_Gets_Kidnapped]They took her.  I know she's involved in all this somehow, but she doesn't deserve to get hurt.
[IDS_JOURNAL_Lillian_After_Alex_Does_or_Doesn't_Kill_Mom]I never thought I'd hear Mom say that she loved me.  But I guess it took the fear of death to make her realize it.  I spent so long hating her, and now, I can't believe she's gone.

# Adam Shepherd #
[IDS_JOURNAL_Adam_After_Adam_is_Killed_by_Pyramid_Head]I can't believe he was still alive, after all that.  He wanted forgiveness.  Well, he can't have it.  Repenting on your deathbed doesn't make up for a lifetime of neglect.  I'm sorry, but too much has happened.

# Crazy Man in Graveyard #
[IDS_JOURNAL_Graveyard_Man_Name]Crazy Man in Graveyard
[IDS_JOURNAL_Graveyard_Man_After_Alex_First_Sees_Mayor_Digging_Graves]This man was digging graves in the cemetery, but I get the sneaking suspicion he doesn't work there.  I couldn't talk to him, and I'm not sure he'd be any help even if I could.

# Elle Holloway #
[IDS_JOURNAL_Elle_After_Alex_Wakes_Up_On_Shore]When I woke up on the shore, Elle was gone.  The Order must have her.  But I'm gonna find her.  I swear to God, I will.  She's not going to become another missing person like those people on her flyers.  I won't let that happen.

# Deputy James Wheeler #

# Curtis Ackers #
[IDS_JOURNAL_Curtis_After_Meet]This dude is nuts.  He nearly blew my head off.  But, he gave me a good lead on where the broken watch came from and he's got a shop full of stuff I might be able to use.

# Woman Locked in Hotel Room #
[IDS_JOURNAL_Woman_Name]Woman Locked in Hotel Room
[IDS_JOURNAL_Woman_After_Meet]This woman's voice sounded sweet.  I don't know why she's locked herself in a hotel room.
[IDS_JOURNAL_Woman_After_Alex_Trades_the_Postcards_for_the_206_Key]She asked me to find her memories, but she never came out of the room.

# Mayor Sam Bartlett #
[IDS_JOURNAL_Bartlett_After_Mayor_is_Killed]I'm still not sure what happened in that Greenhouse, what it was that killed him, or how we got to this point.  What's clear is that Joey Bartlett is still missing, and there's something much larger going on here than I originally thought.

# Doctor Martin Fitch #
[IDS_JOURNAL_Fitch_Name]Doctor Martin Fitch
[IDS_JOURNAL_Fitch_After_Alex_sees_the_Doctor_outside_his_Office]Dr. Fitch has lost his mind.  I saw him all the time when I was a kid, and he was the most calm, collected guy.  Now he looks like he's ready to kill somebody...or himself.  
[IDS_JOURNAL_Fitch_After_Doctor_is_Killed]If that demon hadn't killed Dr. Fitch, he would have eventually done it himself.  But what happened to his daughter that was so bad he would torture himself that way?  Does he even know?  Is it grief or guilt?  And how is this all connected to Joshua?  I'm running out of people to ask.

# Man in Confessional #
[IDS_JOURNAL_Confess_Name]Man in Confessional
[IDS_JOURNAL_Confess_After_Alex_Speaks_with_Man]I heard this man asking for forgiveness on the other side of the confessional.  His voice was filled with pain, and remorse...  Then he left, and I never got the chance to meet him face to face.

# Man Locked Up in Hospital #

### Journal Entry Strings - CREATURES I'VE FOUGHT ###

### Mission Objective Strings - What to Do!!! ###

### M03 Mission Objectives ###
[M03_Objective_ExploreHouse]- 家の中を調べる
[M03_Objective_Investigate_Basement]- 地下室を調べる
[M03_Objective_Drain_Basement]- 地下室の水を排水する
[M03_Objective_SearchForJosh]- ジョシュアはこの家にはいない 他を当たろう

### M04 Mission Objectives ###
[M04_Objective_SearchForJosh]- Search the graveyard and nearby sections of the town for information on Joshua's disappearance.
[M04_Objective_InfoAboutGun]- Find someone who knows something about fixing guns.
[M04_Objective_FindCurtis]- Find Curtis' shop.
[M04_Objective_FindMayor]- Find Mayor Bartlett. He was digging graves in the cemetery.
[M04_Objective_SearchMasoleum]- Search the Bartlett Mausoleum for information.
[M04_Objective_OpenCasket]- Open the lock to the casket inside the Bartlett Mausoleum.

### M05 Mission Objectives ###
[M05_Objective_GetToJosh]- Catch up to Joshua.
[M05_Objective_RestorePower]- Restore power to the Hotel to get the elevator working.
[M05_Objective_UseElevator]- Power has been restored. Use the elevator.
[M05_Objective_CutPainting]- There seems to be something behind the painting. Cut it to find out what.
[M05_Objective_OpenJoshDoor]- Room 306 has a unique lock. Find way to open it.
[M05_Objective_FindMemories]- Find three memories for the lady in room 301.
[M05_Objective_UseKey]- Use the key I got from the lady in room 301.
[M05_Objective_SearchGreenhouse]- Search the greenhouse.
[M05_Objective_TalkToMayor]- Ask Mayor Bartlett what he is doing here.
[M05_Objective_DestroySepulcher]- Destroy Sepulcher.

### M06 Mission Objectives ###
[M06_Objective_JailCell]- Escape the jail cell.
[M06_Objective_FollowWheeler]- Follow Deputy Wheeler through the station.
[M06_Objective_ChiefsOffice]- Retrieve my gear from my Dad's Office.
[M06_Objective_MeetElle]- Escape the station and meet up with Elle.
[M06_Objective_SaveElle]- Rescue Elle.
[M06_Objective_ProtectElle]- Keep Elle Safe.
[M06_Objective_EscapeSewers]- Find a way out of the sewers.

### M07 Mission Objectives ###
[M07_Objective_InvestigateArea]- Investigate the area.
[M07_Objective_FindJoshua]- Find Joshua.
[M07_Objective_DefeatScarlet]- Defeat Scarlet.

### M08 Mission Objectives ###

### M08B Mission Objectives ###
[M08B_Objective_Enter_House]- Traverse the Cemetery and enter the Shepherd House from the backyard.

### M09 Mission Objectives ###
[M09_Objective_Unlock_Attic]- Find a way into the attic.
[M09_Objective_Ask_Mom]- Talk to Mom about Dad's letter.
[M09_Objective_EscapeHouse]- Escape the house.
[M09_Objective_UnlockDoor]- Find a way to unlock the front door.
[M09_Objective_SolvePuzzles]- Solve each puzzle.

### M11 Mission Objectives ###
[M11_Objective_FindWheeler]- Find Wheeler.
[M11_Objective_EscortWheeler]- Escort Wheeler to safety.
[M11_Objective_Escape]- Find a way out.
[M11_Objective_FindElle]- Find Elle.
[M11_Objective_DefeatAmnion]- Defeat Asphyxia.
[M11_Objective_FollowJoshua]- Follow Joshua.

### M12 Mission Objectives ###
[M12_Objecitve_FollowJosh]- Joshua is trying to lead me somewhere. I need to find out where he's going.
[M12_Objective_GateKey]- Find the Gate Key.

### M13 Mission Objectives ###
[M13_Objective_ExploreChurch]- Search the church for anything helpful.
[M13_Objective_FindFiveTablets]- Find the pieces missing from the five prongs.
[M13_Objective_TalkToAdam]- Talk to dad.
[M13_Objective_FollowPyramidHead]- Follow the monster.
[M13_Objective_FindSteamProtection]- I have to find something that will protect me from the steam.
[M13_Objective_UseElevator]- Find out where the monster went.

### M14 Mission Objectives ###
[M14_Objective_FindElle]- Find Elle.
[M14_Objective_SaveElle]- Save Elle.
[M14_Objective_Wheel]- Uncover your past.

### Journal Entry Strings - THINGS TO REMEMBER ###

### M01 Journal Entries ###

[M01_CombatManual_01]戦闘の基礎: \n\n今時の兵士には厳しい訓練と あの世へ行く心構えが必要だ。
[M01_CombatManual_04]複数の敵に囲まれたときは、 こちらに気づいている一番近くの敵の方向を向く。 \n\nターゲットに選んだ敵はライトで照らされる。
[M01_CombatManual_06]弱攻撃、強攻撃、ため攻撃とコンボについて: \n\n戦闘モード時、<ACTION>を押すと弱攻撃\n<HEAVY_ATTACK>を押すと強攻撃だ。
[M01_CombatManual_07]強攻撃は<HEAVY_ATTACK>を押し続けることで 威力の高いチャージ攻撃を出すことができる。 \n\n強攻撃に続き、連続で弱攻撃をすることで 連続攻撃となる。これがコンボだ。


### M02 Journal Entries ###

### M03 Journal Entries ###

### M04 Journal Entries ###

[M04_Mayor_Bartlett_Digging_Journal]Mayor Bartlett spends a lot of time in the graveyard - digging graves...

[M04_Missing_Children_Journal]Joshua is not the only person to have disappeared from Shepherd's Glen.  A lot of people have disappeared without trace.

[M04_Wheeler_Helping_Elle_Journal]Deputy Wheeler worked with Adam Shepherd and now he's helping Elle.

[M04_Wheeler_At_PoliceStation_Journal]Deputy Wheeler is at the Police Station - he doesn't go outside much.

[M04_Curtis_Fix_Gun_Journal]Curtis is a fix it guy - he may be able to help repair Adam's broken gun.

[M04_Elle_Friend_Journal]Elle is an old high school friend.

[M04_Judge_Studying_History_Journal]Judge Holloway is spending a lot of time looking through the town's history, trying to find some explanation for what's going on.

[M04_Four_Founders_Journal]There are four founding families for the town - Bartlett, Fitch, Holloway and Shepherd.

[M04_Bartletts_Winery_Journal]The Bartlett's have a winery.

### M05 Journal Entries ###
[M05_Note7_Journal]Mr. Jones,\n\nI saw something strange the other night and I wanted to bring it to your attention.  I'd unlocked the service doors to the Atrium to let Mayor Bartlett in ・just like I usually do.  I came by later to see if he needed any help (you know how I like to grow things too) and I saw him dragging one of his bags of fertilizer inside. Only it didn't look like any kind of fertilizer bag I've ever used.  It was real heavy and he seemed to be kinda struggling with it.  He didn't see me, so I crept away.  Should I tell the sheriff?  I don't know what to do, but I thought you should know.\n\nPaul Ashley

### M06 Journal Entries ###

### M07 Journal Entries ###

### M08 Journal Entries ###

### M08b Journal Entries ###
[M08b_Rituals_Under_Lodge_Journal]The four founding families had ritualistic meetings in a secret chamber hidden under the Town Hall.

### M09 Journal Entries ###

### M10 Journal Entries ###

### M11 Journal Entries ###
[M11_Prisoner_Journal]A prisoner with the number 110391 writes:\n"To escape your fate, you must first visit solitary confinement."

### M12 Journal Entries ###

### M13 Journal Entries ###
[M13_Psalm_Journal]It's an excerpt from a Psalm:\n"Blessed is the man who does not tread the path of the wicked,or stand in the way of sinners, or sit in the seat of mockers."
[M13_Hymn_Journal]It contains a few lines from a hymn:\n"Where shall my wondering soul begin? How shall we all to heaven aspire?"

### M14 Journal Entries ###

###Added after Initial Torture Struggle###
[M14_Journal_01]The Original Founders of Shepherd's Glen left Silent Hill to start a new life.\n They were worried about the old God's wrath, so they made a pact. Every 50 years, each family must sacrifice one of their children to appease their new God.
[M14_Journal_02]When it came time for the current town descedents to fulfill their blood oath...\n Judge Holloway choked Nora to death, Dr. Fitch dismembered Scarlett, and Mayor Bartlett buried poor Joey alive.\n My Dad could not sacrifice Joshua.
[M14_Journal_03]Dad didn't follow through with the Pact, so Judge Holloway returned to the old ways, the true faith of The Order.
[M14_Journal_04]The townsfolk who disappeared have either converted to the Old Faith, or been murdered by The Order.
[M14_Journal_05]Curtis is a member of The Order. Not very surprising....

###Added after Killing Curtis###
[M14_Journal_06]Elle was almost tortured by Curtis, but I killed that sick bastard before he could do anything to her.

###Added after Saving or Failing to Save Wheeler###
[M14_Journal_07_saved]The Order almost tortured Wheeler to death. It's a good thing I was there to save him.\n I hope he and Elle make it out of the Lair safely.
[M14_Journal_07_died]The Order tortured Wheeler to death. I'm going to make them pay for that! I hope Elle can escape by herself...
[M14_Journal_08]I still have to find Joshua! I can't leave my little brother alone in this terrible place.

###Added after Defeating Amnion###
[M14_Journal_09]The child sacrifices took place here, in The Order Lair. I still can't believe they'd kill their own children.
[M14_Journal_10]Joshua died on Toluca Lake because I couldn't save him. All this time, and it was my fault...

### M15 Journal Entries ###

[IDS_JOURNAL_Alternate_Ending_Good]Alternate Ending Good.
[IDS_JOURNAL_Alternate_Ending_Bad]Alternate Ending Bad.
[IDS_JOURNAL_Alternate_Ending_Pyramid_Head]Alternate Ending Pyramid Head.
[IDS_JOURNAL_Alternate_Ending_Hospital]Alternate Ending Hospital.
[IDS_JOURNAL_Alternate_Ending_UFO]Alternate Ending UFO.
[IDS_JOURNAL_Kicker_Ending_Polaroid]Oh, so this is when that picture of me was taken.

### Global Journal Entries ###

### The 11 Polaroids with Psychological Insights ###
# Bosses - 4 Pictures #
[IDS_JOURNAL_Polaroid_1]Joey Bartlett sitting in the Tree House in our backyard.
[IDS_JOURNAL_Polaroid_2]Scarlet Fitch, in her bedroom with all of her dolls.
[IDS_JOURNAL_Polaroid_3]Nora Holloway sitting on the Town Hall steps.
[IDS_JOURNAL_Polaroid_4]公園で巨大な蜘蛛が 俺のおもちゃの兵士に這い進んでいる
# Other People/Things - 7 Pictures #
[IDS_JOURNAL_Polaroid_6]Dad and Deputy Wheeler on the Police Boat.
[IDS_JOURNAL_Polaroid_7]Joshua taking a picture of himself in our bathroom.
[IDS_JOURNAL_Polaroid_8]父のハンティングルームの写真だ しかしジョシュアはどうやって撮ったんだろう?
[IDS_JOURNAL_Polaroid_9]The repair guy Curtis Ackers in his shop.
[IDS_JOURNAL_Polaroid_11]Hey...  This is me.  What am I doing?

### The 18 Drawings - poems to describe Pyramid Head as the bogeyman###

[IDS_JOURNAL_Drawing_M03_A]スティーブンはどこなのママ? 一緒に遊べなくて寂しいよ\nまぁ そんな事言っちゃダメよ スティーブンは悪い子なんだから
[IDS_JOURNAL_Drawing_M04]Beware of he who took them- he goes by many names.\nThe Bogeyman, the Shadowed One, but all are he, the same.
[IDS_JOURNAL_Drawing_M05]For every sin a child has, must be a punishment to bear.\nYour friends are now beyond our reach: trapped deep within his lair.
[IDS_JOURNAL_Drawing_M07_A]Remember to always behave, for sins he won't abide.\nHe wields a rusty, jagged blade, to cut out your insides.
[IDS_JOURNAL_Drawing_M07_B]The lying little children, with souls selfish and small,\nWill find their wriggling tongues cut out, and nailed to his wall.
[IDS_JOURNAL_Drawing_M08_A]And if they take what is not theirs, there can be no doubt\nHe'll stretch their skin until it snaps, and all the blood drains out.
[IDS_JOURNAL_Drawing_M08_B]The bullies and their spiteful wrath will find torment as well,\nSoon he will strike them where they stand and drag them into hell.
[IDS_JOURNAL_Drawing_M09]Child, you must obey your parents: do everything they say.\nLittle ones who do otherwise, he tortures in the flames.
[IDS_JOURNAL_Drawing_M10A]Beatings cleanse the soul, they say, and that is what he'll do\nIf you don't control your anger then you'll feel his anger too.
[IDS_JOURNAL_Drawing_M11]You are your brother's keeper, remember it always.\nOr else, the Bogeyman will chain you underneath the waves.
[IDS_JOURNAL_Drawing_M13]And while good children live, bad ones cannot escape their fate\nFor once you hear his screeching wail, it's already too late.
[IDS_JOURNAL_Drawing_M14]So do not cry aloud at night耀tay hidden in your bed...\nOr the Bogeyman from Silent Hill will come chop off your head.

### INVENTORY Props Strings ###

[IDS_INVENTORY_M03_Old_Revolver]Old Revolver
[IDS_INVENTORY_M08_Elizabeth_Holloway_Birth_Certificate]Elle Holloway Birth Certificate
[IDS_INVENTORY_M08_Rebecca_Shepherd_Birth_Certificate]Rebecca Shepherd Birth Certificate
[IDS_INVENTORY_M08_Rebecca_Shepherd_Death_Certificate]Rebecca Shepherd Death Certificate

### AMBIENT Text Strings ###

### M01 Ambient ###

[IDS_AMBIENT_M01Nightmare_Hospital_Sign_2]ATTENTION NURSING STAFF: All medications to be administered daily before 9:00 a.m.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M01Nightmare_Hospital_Sign_3]ATTENTION: New admissions must provide ID
[IDS_AMBIENT_M01Nightmare_Hospital_Sign_4]Do NOT give rubber gloves to children.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M01Nightmare_Hospital_Sign_5]Visiting hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M01Nightmare_Hospital_Sign_6]Staff only beyond this point.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M01Nightmare_Hospital_Sign_7]ID Bracelet must be worn at ALL times.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M01Nightmare_Hospital_Sign_8]Please keep noise to a minimum.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M01Nightmare_Hospital_Sign_9]If you have donated blood within the past 3 months, please notify staff.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M01Nightmare_Hospital_Sign_10]NOTICE: It is illegal to carry firearms/ammunition beyond this point.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M01Nightmare_Hospital_Sign_11]God Bless America
[IDS_AMBIENT_M01Nightmare_Hospital_Sign_12]Loose Lips Sink Ships
[IDS_AMBIENT_M01Nightmare_Hospital_Sign_13]Please present military ID at check-in desk.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M01Nightmare_Hospital_Sign_14]RESTRICTED AREA: Department Of Health Officials Only
[IDS_AMBIENT_M01Nightmare_Hospital_Sign_15]Oxygen In Use
[IDS_AMBIENT_M01Nightmare_Hospital_Sign_17]Charts must be filled in by attending nurse.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M01Nightmare_Hospital_Sign_18]Do not reuse gowns.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M01Nightmare_Missing_Patients_Board_02]Lydia Findly
[IDS_AMBIENT_M01Nightmare_Missing_Patients_Board_03]Trevor F. White
[IDS_AMBIENT_M01Nightmare_Missing_Patients_Board_04]Albert Lords
[IDS_AMBIENT_M01Nightmare_Missing_Patients_Board_05]Roberta T. Morgan
[IDS_AMBIENT_M01Nightmare_Missing_Patients_Board_06]Edward C. Briggs
[IDS_AMBIENT_M01Nightmare_Button_Sign_01]Do Not Push Under Any Circumstances
[IDS_AMBIENT_M01Nightmare_Button_Sign_02]To Be Pushed On Doctor's Orders Only
[IDS_AMBIENT_M01Nightmare_Button_Sign_03]Hey!  Don't mess with this button unless YOU ARE A DOCTOR!!! - Dr. L.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M01Nightmare_Directors_Desk_Nameplate]Dr. Stephen Copen

### M02 Ambient ###
[IDS_AMBIENT_SGTown1_Corner_Stone_on_Town_Hall]"Faith is the greatest foundation for success" - Shepherd's Glen Town Hall
[IDS_AMBIENT_SGTown1_Celebration_Banner]SHEPHERD'S GLEN 150TH CELEBRATION! September 20-21
[IDS_AMBIENT_SGTown1_Bartlett_Winery_Sign]BARTLETT, Vineyard and Winery, A Local Winery with a Tradition of Excellence

### M03 Ambient ###
[IDS_AMBIENT_Alex1_Military_Poster_1]Be a man among men
[IDS_AMBIENT_Alex1_Military_Poster_2]Clean your room, maggot!
[IDS_AMBIENT_Alex1_Books_on_Bookshelf_1]The Man In The Iron Mask
[IDS_AMBIENT_Alex1_Books_on_Bookshelf_2]Beyond Good And Evil
[IDS_AMBIENT_Alex1_Books_on_Bookshelf_4]The Adventures Of Pinocchio
[IDS_AMBIENT_Alex1_Books_on_Bookshelf_5]Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea
[IDS_AMBIENT_Alex1_Books_on_Bookshelf_6]The Odyssey
[IDS_AMBIENT_Alex1_Shepherd_House_Number]1133 Main Street

### M04 Ambient ###
[IDS_AMBIENT_SGTown2_Bartlett_Mausoleum_Inscription]And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand.

### M05 Ambient ###
[IDS_AMBIENT_M05Hotel_Signage_3]DANGER: These areas off limits until further notice. Thank you. SHFD
[IDS_AMBIENT_M05Hotel_Signage_4]DANGER: This area off limits until further notice.  Please do not enter.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M05Hotel_Signage_5]This area is out of service to hotel guests and staff.  We apologize for any inconvenience.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M05Hotel_Signage_7]This staircase is not in use.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M05Hotel_Signage_8]CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE: Due to recent damage, these stairs are unsafe for use by guests.  We're sorry for the inconvenience!
[IDS_AMBIENT_M05Hotel_Signage_9]PARDON OUR DUST!  We're working hard to make a great hotel even better!  Sorry for the inconvenience.

### M06 Ambient ###

### M07 Ambient ###

### M08 Ambient ###
[IDS_AMBIENT_SGTown4_Corner_Stone_on_Town_Hall]"Faith is the greatest foundation for success" - Shepherd's Glen Town Hall
[IDS_AMBIENT_SGTown4_Celebration_Banner]SHEPHERD'S GLEN 150TH CELEBRATION! September 20-21
[IDS_AMBIENT_SGTown4_Bartlett_Winery_Sign]BARTLETT, Vineyard and Winery, A Local Winery with a Tradition of Excellence

### M09 Ambient ###
[IDS_AMBIENT_M09Alex2_Note_On_Refrigerator]Remember to feed Corwin. - Lillian
[IDS_AMBIENT_M09Alex2_Note_On_Refrigerator]A colored pencil drawing labeled "Alex, Dad and Me"
[IDS_AMBIENT_M09Alex2_Motivational_Military_Sign]Keep your friends close and your enemies in a body bag

### M10 Ambient ###
[IDS_AMBIENT_M10SHTown1_Silent_Hill_Sign]Welcome to Silent Hill

### M11 Ambient ###
[IDS_AMBIENT_M11Prison_Signage_01]There is absolutely no talking in hallways.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M11Prison_Signage_02]Remember why you are here.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M11Prison_Signage_03]No loud noise, pushing, or fighting while in line.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M11Prison_Signage_05]<COLOR,195,188,228>NOTICE: All visitors must check in with guard before entering. ID badges must be worn at all times.<CLEARCOLOR>
[IDS_AMBIENT_M11Prison_Signage_06]Eyes down.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M11Prison_Signage_07]Speak only when spoken to.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M11Prison_Signage_08]You have no rights.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M11Prison_Gas_Chamber_Signage_01]BEYOND THIS POINT: Fumes exceed safe levels for human exposure. Gasmasks MUST be worn at all times.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M11Prison_Gas_Chamber_Signage_02]WARNING: You MUST stop here if red light is on.  Failure to heed this warning may lead to serious injury or death.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M11Prison_Gas_Chamber_Signage_03]SAFETY CHECK: Chamber is not neutralized until green light is on.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M11Prison_Gas_Chamber_Signage_04]MAX PRESSURE: 1500 PSI
[IDS_AMBIENT_M11Prison_Gas_Chamber_Signage_05]Secure all straps.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M11Prison_Gas_Chamber_Signage_06]Dangerous Gasses Are Present
[IDS_AMBIENT_M11Prison_Gas_Chamber_Signage_07]Please lock all chambers when you are finished.

### M12 Ambient ###
[IDS_AMBIENT_M12SHTown2_Coin_Op_Signage]Resident Hazard
[IDS_AMBIENT_M12SHTown2_Sewer_Warning_Signage_01]CAUTION: STEAM
[IDS_AMBIENT_M12SHTown2_Sewer_Warning_Signage_02]CAUTION: HOT
[IDS_AMBIENT_M12SHTown2_Sewer_Warning_Signage_03]CUIDADO: CALIENTE!  
[IDS_AMBIENT_M12SHTown2_Sewer_Order_Checkpoint_Signage_01]STOP! This area is off limits.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M12SHTown2_Sewer_Order_Checkpoint_Signage_02]STOP! Be prepared to show identification.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M12SHTown2_Sewer_Order_Checkpoint_Signage_03]CHECKPOINT AHEAD: Be prepared to show identification.

### M13 Ambient ###
[IDS_AMBIENT_M13Church_Church_Signage_01]Church Of The Holy Way
[IDS_AMBIENT_M13Church_Church_Signage_02]Times Of Worship: Daily at dawn and dusk.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M13Church_Church_Signage_03]Question not your faith, but your devotion.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M13Church_Church_Signage_04]Church Of The Holy Way
[IDS_AMBIENT_M13Church_Church_Signage_05]Bingo: Daily at dawn and dusk.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M13Church_Church_Signage_06]Pancake breakfast served Sundays.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M13Church_Church_Signage_07]Today's Hymns: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42
[IDS_AMBIENT_M13Church_Confessional_Sign_01]Prepare your tongue to speak only truth.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M13Church_Confessional_Sign_02]Think before you knock.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M13Church_Confessional_Sign_03]There is no turning back.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M13Church_Confessional_Sign_04]If you knock, He will listen.

### M14 Ambient ###
[IDS_AMBIENT_M14lair_Order_Patrol_Checkpoint_Signage_01]STOP No unauthorized persons allowed beyond this point.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M14lair_Order_Patrol_Checkpoint_Signage_02]CHECKPOINT: Be prepared to show proper identification.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M14lair_Order_Patrol_Checkpoint_Signage_03]CHECKPOINT: Precautions are for your security and the good of the Faith.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M14lair_Warning_Signage_01]WARNING: Construction area
[IDS_AMBIENT_M14lair_Warning_Signage_02]WARNING: Dangerous equipment
[IDS_AMBIENT_M14lair_Torture_Room_Signage_01]Return all tools to their proper place.
[IDS_AMBIENT_M14lair_Torture_Room_Signage_02]Clean all tools before returning them to storage.




### Journal Entry Strings - THINGS TO REMEMBER ###

### M01 Journal Entries ###

[M01_CombatManual_02_PC]武器の装備: \n\n武器を装備するには[武器]ボタンを押し、 左スティックで装備したい武器を選ぶ。
[M01_CombatManual_03_PC]戦闘モードとターゲットについて: \n\n戦闘モードに入るには[ターゲット]ボタンを押し続ける。 すると装備している武器を構える。 \n\n戦闘モードに入った上で 敵が近くに居ると、 自動的に一番近くの敵に照準を合わせる。
[M01_CombatManual_05_PC]ターゲットを変えたければ敵の居る方向 (普通は右か左だ)に右スティックを押す。 \n\n敵を倒したら戦闘モードをやめるといい。

[M01_CombatManual_06_PC]チャージアタック、及びコンボについて \n\n
[M01_CombatManual_07_PC]強攻撃は[強攻撃]ボタンを押し続けることで 威力の高いチャージ攻撃を出すことができる。 \n\n強攻撃に続き、連続で弱攻撃をすることで 連続攻撃となる。これがコンボだ。

### M04 Journal Entries ###

[M04_CombatManual_02_PC]銃器の装備: \n\n銃を装備するには、[武器]ボタンを押して 武器セレクト画面を出します。 それから銃を選んでください。
[M04_CombatManual_03_PC]銃器を撃つ: \n\nL2ボタンを押したままにすると射撃モードに入ります。\nR2ボタンで発砲します。
[M04_CombatManual_04_PC]銃で殴る: \n\n射撃モード中に[強攻撃]ボタンを押すと銃で殴ります。
[M04_CombatManual_05_PC]弾薬のリロード: \n\n予備の弾薬が残ってさえいれば、 自動的に最後の弾を撃った後に リロードします。\n\n弾薬が空になる前に リロードすることは有利なことです。 近接戦闘で隙ができるのを防ぎます。\n\nリロードは□ボタンで行えます。


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