EndWar - Launch Trailer



2016年に起きた信じられない惨劇。一発の核爆発と引き替えに、中東で2000万人が死に絶え、 世界中の原油供給をズタズタにした。1バレル800ドルもの最高値をつけて。










The European Federation is a new superpower, founded in 2018 to consolidate political and economic power in the face of the world energy crisis and accelerating security and environmental concerns around the globe. Though publicized as an evolution of the European Union, demanding admission criteria disenfranchised all but the wealthiest nations of Europe. The UK and Ireland declined membership (instead joining the New Commonwealth), as did Switzerland (fiercely neutral as always).

Consummate professionals, the European Federation Enforcer Corps is made up of veteran elite counter-terrorist and peacekeeping forces from throughout Europe. Calm and precise, these highly-trained and experienced soldiers are especially skilled in urban warfare. They excel in electronic warfare as well as advanced directed energy weapons technology, and have the fastest battlefield vehicles. The Enforcer Corps also have access to the world's best "less than lethal" weaponry.




Once strong allies with Europe, the U.S. has broken ranks following the dissolution of NATO and the formation of the European Federation. The two superpowers are now locked in a costly and controversial military space race. This rivalry builds to a crescendo when the U.S. prepares to launch the Freedom Star, a huge military space station that Europe suspects could be used to neutralize its missile shield satellites.

An evolution of today's Marine Expeditionary Units, the Joint Strike Force is known for their integration of air and ground combat capabilities. Epitomizing the saying, high speed, low drag, these elite soldiers excel in precision firepower and can rapidly deploy anywhere in the world. Moreover, their stealth technology and the accuracy of their weapons are second-to-none.

ヨーロッパ唯一の強固な同盟国であった合衆国は、NATOの解散とヨーロッパ連邦軍の編成で崩れ去った軍団を継ぐ事となった。2つの超大国は、現在コストが高く、論争の的となっている軍事宇宙開発競争で渡り合っている。この競争は、アメリカがFreedom Star(ヨーロッパが「対弾道ミサイル防御衛星システム」を相殺するために使われるとの疑念を持っている巨大な軍事宇宙ステーション)を準備をするまでに高まる。

今日の海兵遠征部隊の進化、Joint Strike Forceは航空・陸上部隊戦力を統合したモノとして知られている。『迅速、かつ低抗力』という格言を具現化した、これらのエリートの兵士は精密火力で勝り、世界中のどこでも素早く展開することができる。さらに、彼らのステルステクノロジーと武器の命中精度は決して他に劣る事はない。


The world's number one supplier of oil and natural gas since the 2016 nuclear war in the Middle East, Russia has experienced an economic boom of epic proportions. It has used its newfound riches to build up its military to levels beyond the Cold War and is once again a true superpower in the world arena.

Soldier for soldier, no force on the planet can match the Spetsnaz Guard Brigades in terms of raw, brute force. Hardened veterans of Russia's many regional conflicts, these troopers are a highly effective, determined, and deadly force. The Spetsnaz tend to focus on heavy weapons and heavy armor, and often ingeniously modify standard-issue equipment to suit their needs, resulting in vehicles bristling with bolted-on weaponry the original designer never dreamed of including.




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最終更新:2009年01月17日 23:27